The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
I saw it with my sister and brother-in-law, not really expecting that great of a story or movie going into it. I figured I could guess the entire plot from the first 10 minutes or from the trailer I had seen. I was wrong.
Though the movie is not without it's shortcomings, it really worked. It was a really magical story, not just some movie trying to be magical. And I didn't know Cate Blanchett would be in it (she is one of my favorite actors/actresses). It's style visually really helped it by being both stunning and properly setting moods. It had really great characters and interesting development.
Sometimes little things in it just didn't work or seemed forced, but its really not much, and doesn't take much away from the movie. The two things i can think of right now are a butterfly that shows up a few times and having Hurricane Katrina in there seemed forced and out of place.
If you are unfamiliar with the main character, he is born with a disease where he is born old and grows to be young (based off of a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald). This seems far fetched, but it doesn't seem so in the movie, which has a gritty spiritualism. Benjamin Button, as a result of starting old, is faced with adults situations while not yet being mature. I love the movies where the plot is based off of a character growing up. Anyways, I really recommend this movie. I went into it not expecting too much, but was extremely entertained and satisfied walking out. I would talk more about some of the themes in the movie, but I really don't want to ruin the plot for anybody who may read this and hasn't seen it yet. And I'm tired of typing.